On 21 May 2020, a legal handbook for medium and large enterprises entitled Jak przetrwać kryzys? (How To Survive the Crisis?) hit the virtual bookshelves. The publication was prepared under the editorial eye of Wojciech Kapica, Head of our Financial Markets Law Department. The authors include also other SMM Legal lawyers: Piotr Kawiak, Wojciech Stawnicki and Paweł Stępniak.

‘Our handbook is a compendium of knowledge on measures mitigating the effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic’, says Wojciech Kapica, academic editor of the book. ‘We have gathered all legal solutions made available to businesses in the first two anti-crisis shield laws’, adds Mr. Kapica.

The publication was developed in response to the growing economic crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors have analysed and presented solutions included in the anti-crisis shield and the regulations introduced by the Act of 16 April 2020 on special support measures in connection with the spread of SARS-CoV-2, commonly referred to as ‘Shield 2.0’.

Apart from the issues of financial aid available from state institutions, the handbook discusses specific regulations from the fields of labour and tax law, particularly advantageous to medium and large businesses. The authors focused on the sectors that are the most exposed to the loss of liquidity: retail and commerce, transport, advertising, as well as tourism and hospitality.

‘We hope that the book will equip entrepreneurs with knowledge on how to effectively navigate this difficult situation’ concludes Wojciech Kapica.

The handbook, in an electronic form, was published by Wolters Kluwer Polska. It is available for purchase at the Profinfo bookstore website.

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